Sunday, July 27, 2008

I Swear....

I swear (well, if I swore than I'd swear)... so umm... I'm super flippin' serious that it's not my fault for not being a good blogger this time. Hear me out.

I work 8 to 6 five days a week now and I just moved into my new place and I haven't had the opportunity to even call the internet company thing-a-ma-jigger people.

I'm currently plopped down in the local Panera listening to completely awful elevator music but I was thoroughly determined today to get some updates done. So.. I hauled my over sized laptop to Starbucks first and got everything set up tried to connect to internet and realized it's not free anymore. WHAT THE FLIP-FLOP?????? Not free anymore. I was so irate I could have stomped right up to the barista and demanded an answer! I had it all worked out in my head. I'd walk right up to him and give him a piece of my mind....

It would start this way, "Do you know how much money a year I donate to your water, electric and overpriced coffee bill? Do you realize that you've gotten this poor innocent utterly broke college girl addicted to liquid heaven?"

He'd of course say, " Ma'am I apologize for the inconvenience (as they all say, this is normally followed up with something along the lines of this.....) but there just isn't anything I personally can do about it. Would you like to try our new iced latte today?"

So to save myself much embarrassment by causing a seen at a Starbucks that I would most likely be coming back to as early as tomorrow I decided to back up my huge computer and jump back in ole Red Wagon and search for a place to blog...

I somehow ended up at Panera and think it will be my new 'Get Away' spot from now on each Sunday.


Anonymous said...

hehe, I want to live in victoria-ville! love you poodle!

Heather said...

Wow. No more free internet at Starbucks. I wonder if they are losing business over that! Sorry, lady! Panera is yummy, though. :)