Thursday, December 10, 2009

M. I. A.

Has it really been almost a month since I've posted anything?

Look at me being a neglectful blogger.

Santa should just go ahead and throw some coal in my stocking.

In my defense, this time of year is very busy.

I'm too busy trying to have fun and make new memories like the ones below.....

First Christmas in College Station with my roomies.
Two years ago, Christmas party with Lacee Lou.

And then below with my ITB friend as reindeer's. :)

I can't wait to spend time with family and friends again when I head home next Friday.

I love Denton but it's lacking a few things..... family, my best friends and home :)

I love going home and feeling like I'm 16 again.

This weekend has a lot going on so I will have a lot to post about come Monday. Maybe I shouldn't commit to blogging Monday.... Finals are Mon- Fri of next week.

I do promise you will hear lots of fun stories soon.

Between my kids at work's Christmas program, my best friends engagement shower and another friends Christmas party there will be lots to chat about.

Until then let me leave you with something sweet one of my kiddos said to me today.....

Little boy: (Crying) "I want that toy!" (The toy that another little boy is playing with)
Me: "Well, maybe you can ask and he'll share with you."
Little boy: (Stares at me crying.....)
Other little boy: "Here you go, you can have it."
Me: "Oh how sweet of you to share your toy! You know, that's what makes you so special, you're such a sweet friend to share!"
Other little boy: "Ms. Tori, I just share because it makes me happy." :)

I almost cried. How sweet and unselfish he is. This is not the first time this little boy has said such sweet things but today I realized how much they are growing, growing, growing everyday. And I'm so delighted to get to be a part of it.

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