I've decided What Can YOU Do Wednesday's are back!
It's been too long since I've shared the wealth on the good things you can do for the environment.
So I was watching the news the other night...about 2 weeks ago. When this was a top story.
Antibacterial Soaps Your Health and the Environment
I just laughed.
It wasn't front page news for this girl, but I understand people don't sit around reading books on what you can do to better your health while helping the environment. People don't sit around pondering on ways to cut ALL chemicals and unnatural ingredients out of their home.
I do.
I'm always looking for a way to go back to simpler times.
And because of that I cut out anti-bacterial soaps at my home a year or so ago and haven't looked back. Honestly, I haven't been sick like really sick (not allergies which has only happened once) since December of '08. I also don't have icky dry hands from my soaps since they don't have all that anti this anti that stripping my hands of all good and bad bacteria along with all the oils that keep your hands soft and moisturized.
Not only is plain ole soap better for you it's so much better for the environment. Please take a look at the article. It's very enlightening.
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