Saturday, March 28, 2009

Seasons Of Life

World Lit.

It's awful. I hate this class. I cringe at the thought of having to go.

I literally have to pump myself up and tell myself it's crucial to stay awake before I enter this classroom.

So imagine my surprise when I learned something in it.

Well, I had something brought to my attention that I found very interesting.

Something that I knew all along and hadn't taken the time to stand back and take it all in.

Seasons of life...

I love the thought of this. I love seeing your life through different seasons.


Birth. When life begins. When you are brought into this world and you're young, fragile, innocent, clueless and ready to learn. You have your whole life ahead of you and the thought of it being over is far from your mind. After all, life has just began. Everything is new to you. Everything is exciting. Full of life. And you can't possibly wait for what tomorrow might bring.


Perfection. You are now old enough to know right from wrong. Old enough to make your own choices. It's just you. It's your time. Your time to learn about yourself and what you want out of life. You begin to realize what you stand for. And you get to have some fun along the way while doing it. You're life is still full of learning and still quite carefree. And you enjoy it as much as you can, you soak it all up. Because soon you know fall will be coming.


Fall. It's the middle. It's not cold. It's not hot. It's right there in the middle, just like life. There's now a family. There's quite a few more worries. You're not old, but you're sure not as young as you once were.


It's closer to the end of the year. Closer to the end of your life. And as you look back and reflect you begin to see what life has offered you. What opportunities you took. Which ones you should have. You wonder if there's anything else you would have done different. But you know, that you can't get that time back because winter will be over soon...

Summer, I believe that's where I am. I'm in a place where it's warm and it's fun and it's always something new. But as the days and years pass I feel more and more ready for Fall. Ready for what else life has to offer. More depth. More meaning.

There are two seasons I look forward to each year. Spring and Fall. When I look at it closer it makes sense that I wait and wait for these two seasons.

I love new life. I love children. I love the innocence and the way they are so enthusiastic about the small things, about everything. I love their need to learn new things each and everyday. Spring, I adore it.

I also love the thought of the next chapter in my life. I love dreaming and thinking about how my life will soon be. The next chapter is full of love. The next chapter is making a life with someone I deeply care for. The next chapter is children of my own. And though this will not be happening today or tomorrow or next year, it's the next big thing around the corner and I long for the day that My Fall is knocking on my front door.

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