Tuesday, May 6, 2008

They're Back!!!!

Alright, it's been 4 years since the ladies of "The City" have given us anything new. We haven't gotten any hope from the oh so full of faith Charlotte, no "Big" news from Carrie, no sarcasm and cynicism from Miranda, and definitely not any inappropriate talk of sexual acts from one Miss Samantha.

Well, ladies... the time has come to see what our four favorite ladies in NYC have been up to!

Sex & The City: The Movie opens in theaters on May 30th. So, this is what I propose:

GIRL'S NIGHT!!!!!!!!!!! ;)

This is how I see the girl's night going. I guess I should back up, there are two girls nights if you'd like to come to both of them. On the 29th Miss Jen and I are going to rent the last season of Sex & The City and just rekindle our love for the four ladies of the city. You are more than welcome to join in on that night. Perhaps we'll make some good ole wedding cake martini's, afterall, I think there is a wedding in the works for Miss Carrie, we could start the celebration early. ;)

On the 30th, we are going to go to do a girl's dinner either in Athens or Tyler, that has not been decided yet. And after dinner we will be off to see the most talked about movie of the summer!!!

But.... there's a catch. Yep, isn't there always?! To spice things up a bit on this girl's night out we are asking that you wear an outfit that favors your favorite Sex & The City gal. ;) You don't have to do anything over the top such as, when Carrie wore the green skirt with the bunny tail attached (if you're a true fan, you know the episode lol) but, we'd like it if you added a little extra flare to your already trendy attire.

It's going to be the ultimate girls night out. So please, drop those no good boys or get up off your couch on a Friday night and get ready for a fun night with fun friends. :)

Please let me know if you are interested in being a part of the madness! We can't wait!

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