Sunday, September 30, 2007

It's Called Life, Live It!

I make to-do lists weekly, daily, sometimes I make more than one to-do list a day. I love it. It's sanity. It helps me see what I need to do. It helps me feel accomplished and productive at the end of the day.

I write down EVERYTHING on my to-do lists.. anything from "Test on Wednesday" to "Game Night w/ Friends" to "Don't Forget to Look into Volunteering" are on my lists. These are all actual entries. My life is crazy some weeks. I'm going, going, going. Quite frankly my life would be an absolute mess without to-do lists wondering all about my apartment and all in my planner.

The main reason I do this, make these lists, is because I really do want to fit as much into a day as possible. I want to try to make my life as fulfilling as I can. I don't want to look back and see my days as wasted. I don't want to wake up one day, be forty years old and wonder where time went and wonder why I feel like my life was just "ok." With these lists I can get all of the small stuff done and concentrate on the bigger things.

So, I started thinking about these things that I want to do. And decided I need a "to-do" list for them. :) A to-do list for life. How much fun is it to map out some of the things you think you can't make it through life without doing. So, this is mine...

....this is my Life List.

- Take a summer trip to Europe. I really want to do this after I'm completely done with school and I have been working for a few years. I want to take this trip during that time in my life where it's still just me, no husband, no kids. Just an adventure for me, and possibly some of my closest girlfriends. (So lets start planning ladies) -
- Have a family, a big one. A family with lots of kids, lots of love, and lots of faith in Him. -
- Write down the thoughts that run through my mind screaming to become a book. -
- Continuously grow in the Lord. -
- Own a convertible. -
- Grow a garden. A beautiful one. One with fruits, vegetables, flowers and of course hummingbirds. -
- Buy an old house and fix it up, make it my families. (I really can't see myself in anything but an older house full of character) -
- Be charitable. Devote my time. -
- Nap under an old oak tree all day long. -
- Go sailing. -
- Live next to my bestie. -
- Never be too old to get on a roller coaster. -
- Take a trip with no plans, just stop anywhere that looks like fun. -
- Take guitar lessons for the guitar I own. -
- Go on Safari. -
- Laugh at life's little surprises. -
My list will continue to grow and I'm positive there are many more things on it even at this moment. I just wanted to get started on my Life List. Keep checking back, I'm sure it will be ever expanding.
Any fun ideas that are on your list for life? I like suggestions. Anything to help me live it up as much as I can, I'm all for it. ;)

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